Photo by @katwilsonartist

Briseida Ochoa “Brioch”

Printmaking-Photography & Painting

Briseida Ochoa “Brioch” is a visual artist, educator, and activist born & raised in the sister cities of El Paso, TX, USA, & Ciudad Juárez, CH, MX., By applying abstraction, she creates intense personal moments created by means of rules and omissions, acceptance, and refusal, luring the viewer. The results are deconstructed to the extent that meaning is shifted and possible interpretation becomes multifaceted. Her work demonstrates how life extends beyond its own subjective limits and often tells a story about the effects of cultural interaction. It challenges the binaries we continually reconstruct between self and the other. Ochoa has served as project director in several educational and outreach programs in the Rio Grande Region and NWA.

She currently lives and works in Winchester, MA.

About the Work

I use photography and printmaking as a means to new perspectives and realities with the help of cyanotype and anthotype techniques. My work focuses on the idea of transcendence and the existence of visual poetic narrative through human figure, landscapes, scenography, installations, performances, and symbolism. It also focuses on the interaction of reality with memories, fused with imagination. Through the techniques of cyanotype and anthotype, I pull from the natural resources of the region, using beets and spinach extracts to create abstract prints. Oftentimes I find inspiration from my community’s social issues and surroundings and seek a creative way to portray them and contribute to a possible solution while creating public awareness. I am currently at work on a project called Dobleces//Pliegues (Folds//Crease), an experimental short film that focuses on the figure of women within the contour of the techniques, spaces, process, time, and body language.